Sunday, August 30, 2009

On time to church...

We have been working hard each week to be better about being on time to church. We made it this week with a few minutes to spare and we even had time to take pictures of Eliza and Annabelle before church. Here they are in their Sunday outfits.

Reverence on Sunday

All 3 hours of church on Sunday, Eliza is being reminded to be Reverent, so most every Sunday we have a few crazy hours of "wind down" time where she goes wild, running around, dancing, singing, jumping, yelling etc. I thought you might enjoy sharing the fun with us. Watch the video below for a sneek peek of "after-church-time" at the Paton house:

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Annabelle's Mobile

Today we set up a mobile for Annabelle. She liked it so much that when Michelle eventually pulled her out of the crib to feed her, it took a while to get her to stop crying. This adds new possibilities to our life because until this point she has mostly insisted on being held all of the time. Michelle has a gleefull smile on her face right now. We might have to do some upgrading of beds for Eliza and Annabelle. Eliza has been sleeping in the crib and Annabelle has been sleeping in a little portable fold up crib that is normally used for camping (it has built in mosquito netting). Tonight, Eliza will move to the "big girl bed". If it works out, Annabelle may move to the full sized crib. Here are some pictures and videos:

Eliza Helps Find Parts to the Mobile

Annabelle is transfixed by her Mobile

Video of Annabelle with her mobile...

Video of Eliza helping look for mobile parts and Annabelle watching her mobile...